Books by Gloria Heffernan

The following books are available for purchase from numerous vendors including Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Indiebooks. To order from Amazon, just click on the cover image and you will be connected to the order page.

Peregrinatio means a sacred journey into the unknow.  Join Gloria Heffernan in her own sacred voyage to Antarctica where she was confronted with both the overwhelming beauty of one of the most remote places on Earth, and the equally overwhelming questions that come with traveling there.  Are we pilgrims or trespassers, she asks, in this collection of poems that Paul Mariani calls “a gift, as she graciously brings the reader along on this journey to the Antarctic, a world few of us will ever visit.”
Peregrinatio means a sacred journey into the unknow. Join Gloria Heffernan in her own sacred voyage to Antarctica where she was confronted with both the overwhelming beauty of one of the most remote places on Earth, and the equally overwhelming questions that come with traveling there. Are we pilgrims or trespassers, she asks, in this collection of poems that Paul Mariani calls “a gift, as she graciously brings the reader along on this journey to the Antarctic, a world few of us will ever visit.”

Are you a fan of Poetry of Presence: An Anthology of Mindfulness Poems? This companion text by author and teacher Gloria Heffernan will enrich your experience of the popular anthology. Inside you’ll find a list of engaging reading strategies, fifty stimulating writing prompts, and a twelve-week workshop curriculum. Exploring Poetry of Presence isn’t an instruction manual or a textbook. It’s an able guide through the wondrous terrain of mindfulness poems presented in Poetry of Presence. Perfect for individual and/or group use. (Published by Back Porch Productions.)

What the Gratitude List Said to the Bucket List is an invitation to notice the world around us and appreciate its gifts. Heffernan pays homage to the loved ones who have shaped her world view, and the poets who have inspired her to express that view. A firm adherent to Louise Gluck’s declaration that we must risk joy, Heffernan invites readers to do exactly that–even while recognizing the grief that often goes hand-in-hand with gratitude. (Published by New York Quarterly Books.)

Gloria Heffernan’s debut poetry chapbook, Some of Our Parts was published by Finishing Line Press in 2018. According to Linda Tomol Pennisi, author of Seamless, Suddenly, Fruit and Minuscule Boxes in the Bird’s Bright Throat, “Gloria Heffernan reaches into the depth of memory’s purse to locate the women who have helped shape her. With a keen eye for image and a strong, sure voice, her poems reveal and examine issues of class and suffering and love and loss.” (Published by Finishing Line Press.)

Hail to the Symptom is a chapbook of poems exploring the political polarization of the Trump era. While the author had hoped that it might become outdated in the aftermath of the 2020 election, she sees that the poems continue to have relevance in our evermore fractured time and place. (Published by Moonstone Press. Out of print.)